What happens with repeated Illness?
With repeated illness like diarrhoea, the body continuously diverts its energy and nutrients away from growth and brain development to fight infection for survival.
When this happens during the first two years of life, children become stunted or malnourished.
According to Unicef, the story of child mortality and malnourishment in India is not just one of poor diets. The lack of water, sanitation and hygiene practices is thought to cause up to 50 percent of all child malnourishment.
And unfortunately, the diminished physical and mental development in these children is irreversible.

And this is not just a rural phenomenon. Poor sanitation and hygiene practices are rampant urban phenomenon too! Someone living just a few hundred metres away from us may not have access to clean drinking water or a toilet.
3 simple hygiene habits can go a long way in preventing illness.
We call it Haath, Munh aur Bum
* Based on independent studies and data sources relating ages 0-5.

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- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Adults - Root Cause of All Illnesses
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Adults - Doctor's Advice
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Adults - No toilet In-house
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Adults - Purifier Over Kundali
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Ghost In The Farm
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Story of Chamatkari Sonu
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Story of Chamatkari Sonu | Bengali
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Story of Chamatkari Sonu | Marathi
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Story of Chamatkari Sonu | Tamil
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Story of Chamatkari Sonu | Kannada
- Swachhata Doot Audio Series For Children - Story of Chamatkari Sonu | Assamese