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Positive nutrition

Strategy and goals

We believe everyone, everywhere deserves access to diverse, nutritious food that doesn't cost the earth.

A bold ambition to transform the food system

It’s only by working together that the many complex and interconnected issues facing our food system can be tackled effectively.

Five friends prepare pasta and vegetables in the kitchen

Conflicting and contradictory health issues – like malnutrition and obesity on the one hand, and social and environmental issues like food poverty and food waste on the other – are part of a complex, interdependent system. And they’re all issues that need to be addressed.

We’re working with governments, NGOs and others to fix these issues. Taking a stand explains how we’re driving transformational change towards a more sustainable global food system. Too much food is being lost and wasted, and cutting this down is crucial to fixing our broken food system. If we can tackle food loss and waste, we can also tackle wider issues like food security, greenhouse gas emissions associated with growing foods, and biodiversity. Waste free world outlines our Unilever Compass goal to tackle food loss and food waste. Hindustan Unilever wishes to create a waste-free future, and we are already taking preventive measures by implementing minimalistic use of plastic and reducing the food waste from our factories.

Positive nutrition

Through our strategy we’re encouraging people to eat healthier diets and responsibly enjoy treats whilst reducing the environmental impact of the global food chain.

We’re helping millions of people to eat better, by offering affordable and healthier foods and beverages, and encouraging them to cook with healthier recipes. By offering more plant-based foods and meat and dairy alternatives, we’re helping people to eat more diverse and nutritious diets that include fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, and legumes – food that’s better for people and better for the planet. We’re providing micronutrients through fortification of our products, and increasing our ambition in reducing salt, sugar, saturated fat, and calories.

A group of people eating

Stepping up our ambition

In October 2022 we announced a stretching new goal for our portfolio, underpinned by our updated criteria to further lower salt, saturated fat, sugar and calories – Unilever’s Science-based Nutrition Criteria (USNC) which is Unilever’s way of defining healthier products. Guided by this target, we’re boosting reformulation of our portfolio with the aim of achieving a significant impact on public health.


Positives defined as 'a meaningful amount of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, wholegrains, omega 3, protein, fibre, vitamins or minerals

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