Mumbai, India
R&D Mumbai is home to Regional and Global Innovation programmes in two big categories Beauty & Personal Care and Home Care. Product development and innovations for world-famous brands such as Lifebuoy, Lux, Glow &Lovely, Domex, Surf excel, Comfort, Rin, Pepsodent, CloseUp, Lakme, Lever ayush are designed and developed at Mumbai.

Main Activities
R&D Mumbai is one of Unilever’s major R&D Innovation centres across the globe. It has capabilities to design product formats catering to Hair Care, Oral Care, Skin Care, Skin Cleansing, Laundry, Home Care categories and Life Essential Devices.
The state-of-the-art Pilot Plant facilities for Soap Bars, Personal Care Liquid, Skin Care, Home Care Liquid are designed to enhance scale-up activities, faster deployment at factories, helping speed to market for innovation launches. We also have product appraisal testing facilities for soaps, detergent, dish wash, oral and hair care products. Through science and technology, digital tools and capabilities, we respond rapidly towards our evolving consumer needs in an agile, timely and proactive manner.
R&D Mumbai with 360 professionals is one of Unilever’s largest Tier 2 sites which holds diverse experts from Pharma, Biotechnology, Herbal Science, Microbiology , Engineering and Packaging fields.
Research in India saw a humble beginning from a small facility in Sewri factory in 1958 to Abhiyan - a dedicated research centre setup in 1967 to serve as an indigenous facility for research and development activities. By delivering innovative formats towards global platforms and brands, Hindustan Unilever Research Centre is leading the work on water-smart innovations across Home Care, Beauty and Personal Care , and together with novel innovations like Power Gems, we help to transform the way that our consumers look good, feel good and get more out life – every day.
Promoting Safety, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity
Unilever brings safety on top of mind for all employees and integrates it with all business processes. Our vision is to be an injury-free organisation and R & D Mumbai is committed to it. Our high standards , systems & processes and protocols along with a zero tolerance towards safety violations have earned us numerous accolades such as the National Safety Council Awards for Consistent Outstanding Safety Performance – ‘Lowest Average Accident Frequency Rate’ & ‘Longest Accident Free Period’ among nominations of 165 industries.
R&D Mumbai has always been conscious of its environmental footprint and taken necessary steps to reduce it. With the launch of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan in 2010, greater stringency and focused efforts towards sustainability has helped achieve the IGBC Green building certification - under the Existing Factory Building category in 2015.
At R&D Mumbai, we embrace diversity and inclusion and provide equal opportunities to everyone. This includes a barrier free site through a detailed renovation exercise to accommodate physical adjustments and assistive technology.
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