HUL steps up legal action to curb counterfeit menace2 May 2019HUL steps up legal action to curb counterfeit menace (PDF 801.06 KB)
Women drive change at HUL’s Haridwar factory3 March 2019March_3__2019_Sunday_ET_Women_drive_change_at_HUL_s_Haridwar (PDF 6.08 MB)
HUL salves environmental woes and devotees troubles at the Kumbh1 March 2019March_1__2019_Hindu_Business_Line_HUL_salves_environmental_w (PDF 183.72 KB)
If HUL would have had cold, I’d be sick27 February 2019Feb_27__2019_HUL_If_HUL_would_have_had_cold_I_d_be_sick (PDF 71.16 KB)
The problem of purpose30 January 2019Jan_30__2019_Brand_Equity_The_Problem_of_purpose (PDF 862.31 KB)
Market disruptors are often over-played21 January 2019Jan_21__Business_Standard_Market_disruptors_are_often_over-p (PDF 1.88 MB)
Combined business of HUL_GSK Consumer will be Rs 45,000 crore21 January 2019Jan_21__2019_Hindustan_Times_Combined_business_of_HUL_GSK_co (PDF 471.77 KB)
Only agri reforms can catapult economic growth21 January 2019Jan_21__2019_Mint_Only_agri_reforms_can_catapult_economic_gr (PDF 885.56 KB)
Drive launched in city to recycle plastic21 January 2019Jan_21__2019_TOI_Drive_launched_in_city_to_recycle_plastic (PDF 127.78 KB)