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Healing skin since 1870

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Universal Skin Caretaker

We are universal in our ability to care for all skin. Skin of all ages, from all walks of life, skin from head to toe, all over the world. We are known to be the handiest thing in the house and can be found as a staple in first aid kits, medicine cabinets and beauty bags.

Dedicated to Skin

Our sole focus and obsession is skin. We are committed to improving and keeping skin healthy. Because we believe healthy skin is beautiful skin.

Our Purpose

Giving everybody healthy skin to live without limits.

Our Presence

We discovered, created and introduced the world to Petroleum Jelly. Over the years, Vaseline has grown its portfolio with multiple products across categories ranging from Body Lotions, Creams, Lip Care and many more.

Contact Unilever about Vaseline

If you have any questions or comments about Vaseline, please visit our contact page.

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