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Horlicks Mother’s Plus

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How Horlicks Mother's Plus - specially designed nutrition for pregnant and lactating mothers

During pregnancy & lactation, the health of the mother and the child is of utmost importance. It is also crucial to make the right food consumption choices. Horlicks Mother’s Plus is scientifically designed with 25 vital nutrients that are important to provide the right nutrition to you and your baby during pregnancy & lactation.

The Science Inside

An expecting mother's nutritional needs during pregnancy are significantly higher than before. Keeping this in mind, Horlicks Mother's Plus has been scientifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements of expecting mothers. It contains 25 vital nutrients~ that are important to provide the right nutrition for the mother's health and baby's growth.

25 Vital Nutrients

Horlicks Mother's Plus contains

• 100% RDAs^ of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C that are required during pregnancy.
• 100% RDAs^ of Folic Acid and Iron that are required during lactation.
• 50% RDA^ of Nutrients like Vitamin A and E, Selenium and Copper, which support immunity.

Improved Birth Weight

Horlicks Mother's Plus contains micronutrients such as Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin A, B6, B12 and D, which are known to improve the birth weight of the baby.

Brain Development

Horlicks Mother's Plus contains DHA and Choline, which are important for the baby's brain development and brain function.

High Protein

Horlicks Mother's Plus is high in protein. It has a 100% amino acid score, which indicates that it contains protein of high quality!


Horlicks Mother's Plus is a nutritional beverage to be consumed as a part of a daily diet.

~Horlicks Mother's Plus contains micronutrients (Iron, Iodine, Folic Acid, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin A, B6, B12 and D) and protein which is known to improve birth weight. Horlicks Mother's Plus contains DHA and Choline known to help in Brain Development.

1. exclusively breastfed.
^In 75g (3 serves) as per ICMR 2010 RDA Guidelines

Contact Unilever about Horlicks Mother’s Plus

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