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Image of a person's hands holding soil and a small leaf.

Accelerating sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability

We believe that embedding sustainability across our value chain is non-negotiable. Therefore, going forward, we will focus more on climate, nature, plastics, and livelihoods, which are priorities relevant to our business and our country.


A montage of Unilever products being used together with agricultural footage.

Detailed description

Tomatoes growing on a vine.
Someone in the foreground with a handful of soil.

A woman rubs Vaseline on her lower legs.

Rain falling into a pool of water in a rice field.
A rice field with water droplets rising up.

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Our ambition is to deliver net zero emissions across our value chain.

A picture with blue sky, clouds and  green plants.


Our ambition is to deliver resilient and regenerative natural and agricultural ecosystems.

An image of a happy farmer.


Our ambition is an end to plastic pollution through reduction, circulation and collaboration.

A woman standing in front of a wall of plastics.


Our ambition is to ensure a decent livelihood for people in our value chain.

A picture of youth participating in skill development programes at HUL’s Prabhat livehihood centre.

Our Sustainability reporting centre

The image of a table with papers and reports
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